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  July 1st Planetside Day

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Age : 35
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 July 1st Planetside Day Empty
PostSubject: July 1st Planetside Day    July 1st Planetside Day EmptySun Jun 24, 2012 1:23 pm

PlanetSide isn’t running at the capacity of players that it once did by any stretch. And with the impending beta of PlanetSide 2 coming sometime in the next few weeks, the population of PlanetSide is likely to take another hit. As such, a group of PlanetSide faithful is looking to bring players together for one more massive showdown.

The group organizing the event has dubbed it “PlanetSide Day” and has set the date for July 1st. They’re asking all former outfits to return for a day of massive combat and celebration before the impending beta of PlanetSide 2 begins, that being said i hope DOTA memebers can make it Eagle, Nuke, Domer, and I will be attending you should aswell

Join the Facebook Event :

post on the PlanetSide Universe forums to learn more and see what outfits will be attending:

Be sure to check out Azure Twilight YouTube video “Our Farewell to PlanetSide” for a look back through the original massive shooter:

Here is another video made by AewepTR for Planetside Day:

i stole half this post from TenTonHammer
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